8539 obs oct 6

From: Steve Newcomb (snewcomb@gcnetmail.net)
Date: Tue Oct 05 2004 - 23:08:24 EDT

  • Next message: Peter Wakelin: "SATOBS 2004 October 06"

    11389 79 050A   8539 G 20041006001909000 19 25 1651442+341896 38
    11389 79 050A   8539 G 20041006001916000 19 25 1643075+363060 38
    My stop watch quit working, hopefully just needs a new battery. Above shown
    as +/-10sec.
    Tracked DMSP7 #07816 starting at Errai going up and saw an unknown in fov
    before getting to Alfirk. Using Idsat and Skymap with approx time, position
    and heading was able to determine it to be Delta 1 Deb #07018 #73086J.
    Picosat 9 was seen starting at zeta draco. #26930 #01043B. I had missed
    seeing it on a previous attempt.
    Lat. 39.4707 Lon. -79.3388 Alt. 2753 ft. -4 UTC
    What these numbers mean: http://www.satobs.org/position/IODformat.html
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