RE: UFO, meteor or space junk reentry?

From: Ted Molczan (
Date: Tue Oct 12 2004 - 07:28:13 EDT

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    I wrote:
    > I will attempt to find out the time the video was shot. If it 
    > was within a few minutes of 20:12 UTC (4:12 PM EDT), then 
    > that would make it pretty much certain that it was the 
    > Proton-K Auxiliary Motor in question.
    I have since found that the state of Indiana does not observe daylight savings
    time; therefore, the local time of the decay would have been near 3:12 PM EST.
    Also, I found another reference to the event on WANE-TV's web site
    "5:30 Sunday a strange object was found in the North-Northwest sky over Fort
    If that was the time the video was shot, then it would rule out the decay of the
    object in question. Perhaps it was the time that the report was received by the
    station. I will continue to attempt to verify the time.
    Ted Molczan
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