strange question on geo sat passing into the moon's shadow

From: Kevin Fetter (
Date: Wed Oct 13 2004 - 08:34:45 EDT

  • Next message: Kevin Fetter: "Re: strange question on geo sat passing into the moon's shadow"

    I was fooling around again.
    On Mar 20, 2015 the moon and sun will be in a good spot, to allow the moon's shadow to block part
    of the sun's light as seen from the geo sat belt.
    I get roughly in the area of 102-103 degrees West as where a geo sat parked would witness a
    annular solar eclipse. Is this correct, are did I really make a error in my rough quess.
    I know I am nuts, but that would be kind of neat to see the sat drop in mag.
    From what I can tell the earth won't be in the way as the geo sat passes into the moon's shadow.
    Sorry for the strange question.
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