OIG Catalog Action Report for the week ending October 16

From: Mike McCants (mmccants@io.com)
Date: Sat Oct 16 2004 - 10:09:38 EDT

  • Next message: Kevin Fetter: "my unid geo sat as USA 111?"

                     Satellite Catalog Action Report
    From: 2004/10/09
    Through: 2004/10/16
    The following objects have been reported as cataloged:
    Designator   CatNo Common Name               Source LaunchDate
    ------------ ----- ------------------------- ------ ----------
    1999-035J    28422 FUSE 1 DEB                US     1999/06/24
    1999-035K    28423 FUSE 1 DEB                US     1999/06/24
    2004-040A    28444 SOYUZ-TMA 5               CIS    2004/10/14
    2004-040B    28445 SL-04 R/B                 CIS    2004/10/14
    2004-041A    28446 UNK                       UNK        /  /
    2004-041B    28447 UNK                       UNK        /  /
    The following objects have been reported as decayed:
    Designator   CatNo Common Name               Source LaunchDate DecayDate
    ------------ ----- ------------------------- ------ ---------- ----------
    1981-053LJ   17636 COSMOS 1275 DEB           CIS    1981/06/04 2004/10/09
    2004-039B    28425 CZ-2D R/B                 PRC    2004/09/27 2004/10/10
    2004-010E    28197 SL-12 R/B(AUX MOTOR)      CIS    2004/03/27 2004/10/11
    The following objects have been reported as modified:
    Designator   CatNo Common Name               Source LaunchDate DecayDate
    ------------ ----- ------------------------- ------ ---------- ----------
    2003-058B    28130 DELTA 2 R/B               US     2003/12/21 2004/09/15
    2004-010E    28197 SL-12 R/B(AUX MOTOR)      CIS    2004/03/27 2004/10/11
    1998-067AE   28386 ISS DEB                   ISS    1998/11/20 2004/10/05
    2004-038B    28397 SL-4 R/B                  CIS    2004/09/24 2004/10/01
    1998-067AC   28411 ISS DEB                   ISS    1998/11/20 2004/10/03
    2004-039B    28425 CZ-2D R/B                 PRC    2004/09/27 2004/10/10
    2004-039C    28426 CZ-2D DEB                 PRC    2004/09/27 2004/09/28
    2001-049NW   28430 PSLV DEB                  IND    2001/10/22     /  /
    2001-049NX   28431 PSLV DEB                  IND    2001/10/22     /  /
    2001-049NY   28432 PSLV DEB                  IND    2001/10/22     /  /
    2001-049NZ   28433 PSLV DEB                  IND    2001/10/22     /  /
    2001-049PA   28434 PSLV DEB                  IND    2001/10/22     /  /
    2001-049PB   28435 PSLV DEB                  IND    2001/10/22     /  /
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