8539 obs oct 18

From: Steve Newcomb (snewcomb@gcnetmail.net)
Date: Sun Oct 17 2004 - 22:39:15 EDT

  • Next message: Jeff Umbarger: "Texas Geosat Flare 3"

    11389 79 050A   8539 G 20041018000651400 17 25 1714546+632060 38
    11389 79 050A   8539 G 20041018000658460 17 25 1655402+645576 38
    11389 79 050A   8539 G 20041018000855510 17 25 1213367+661063 38
    18009 87 043E   8539 G 20041018003833860 17 25 0156385+611687 38
    18009 87 043E   8539 G 20041018003920730 17 25 0140378+505508 38
    18009 87 043E   8539 G 20041018003931760 17 25 0138577+483612 38
    18009 87 043E   8539 G 20041018003948510 17 25 0135035+445920 38
    18010 87 043F   8539 G 20041018004318760 17 25 0145032+635166 38
    18010 87 043F   8539 G 20041018004341900 17 25 0137374+583825 38
    18025 87 043H   8539 G 20041018005217280 17 25 0105259+610594 38
    18025 87 043H   8539 G 20041018005250280 17 25 0103171+530842 38
    18025 87 043H   8539 G 20041018005255980 17 25 0102903+514788 38
    18025 87 043H   8539 G 20041018005340980 17 25 0102392+412235 38
    17997 87 043A   8539 G 20041018010902230 17 25 1833988+522720 38
    Also watched #26907 and Adeos both at theta pegasus at same time, with no
    points on it or #26905.
    Most the leaves blew off the trees today. Yesterday saw snow.
    Lat. 39.4707 Lon. -79.3388 Alt. 2753 ft. -4 UTC
    What these numbers mean: http://www.satobs.org/position/IODformat.html
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    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Sun Oct 17 2004 - 22:42:25 EDT