Interesting snippet which turned up whilst doing a it of research into focusCloseAp...... From : OPERATIONAL EXPERIENCE OF THE USE OF A GENERIC PRODUCT FOR COLLISION RISK ASSESSMENT ON GEOSTATIONARY ORBIT [Quote] But the worst experience with the TLE data provided by USSTRATCOM occurred when five close approaches to GOES-7 were detected in a period of 3 days with a radial separation below 2 km and GOES-7 was moving with a slow drift rate making longitude separation very difficult (even with the methods described above). The TLE data for GOES-7 was a month older than the predicted conjunction date, and it was a difficult situation for the New Skies operations. One day later, the TLE data of the object was updated and it was found (after running focusCloseAp) that the GOES-7 had jumped in longitude by 1800 km, had already passed the New Skies satellite and was now drifting slowly away from it. [Unquote] Ooops ! John ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Frequently Asked Questions, SeeSat-L archive:
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