DART mission

From: Kevin Fetter (kfetter@yahoo.com)
Date: Tue Oct 26 2004 - 02:47:06 EDT

  • Next message: David Brierley: "DMB Obs October 25"

    Today they will try to launch the DART satellite. It mission is to automatically rendezvous with
    the MUBLCOM satellite. 
    MUBLCOM          0.2  1.0  0.0  8.5 v  1.0
    1 25736U 99026B   04299.20019208  .00000582  00000-0  18036-3 0  3805
    2 25736  97.7430   0.9349 0002569 282.5167  77.5747 14.44312679285994
    No docking to take place, but they plan to get very close to each other.
    The mission last 24 hours, then the DART satellite will re-enter the earth's atmosphere.
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